12 years
comprehension and
The SmartyKids Speed Reading Methodology
SmartyKids Speed Reading classes turn into an exciting journey in different countries. The interesting program and the bright entertaining materials help the children to fall in love with the speed reading lessons.
The methodology develops the ability to work with text, the ability to comprehend and memorize the key information, as well as increases the speed of reading without losing the understanding. The student receives: 12 workbooks dedicated to different countries, 3 collections of texts for reading, a collection of fairy tales with author’s illustrations and a gamification card with stickers, which after completing the course becomes a board game with a set of task cards.
The SmartyKids Speed Reading Methodology
SmartyKids Speed Reading classes turn into an exciting journey in different countries. The interesting program and the bright entertaining materials help the children to fall in love with the speed reading lessons.
The methodology develops the ability to work with text, the ability to comprehend and memorize the key information, as well as increases the speed of reading without losing the understanding. The student receives: 12 workbooks dedicated to different countries, 3 collections of texts for reading, a collection of fairy tales with author’s illustrations and a gamification card with stickers, which after completing the course becomes a board game with a set of task cards.
Аttention focus
The students learn to do their homework on their own without being distracted.
Reading speed
Increases reading speed and cultivates love of reading.
As the volume of texts read increases, the sense of the language develops.
Speed reading
Allows processing of information here and now.
Reading comprehension
The child develops skills not only to read, but also to extract the most important moments from the text and to memorize the key facts.
Perception and processing of information
We learn to read texts and to separate the important moments.
The students learn to do their homework on their own without being distracted.
Reading speed
Increases reading speed and cultivates love of reading.
As the volume of texts read increases, the sense of the language develops.
Short-term memory
Allows processing of information here and now.
Reading comprehension
The child develops skills not only to read, but also to extract the most important moments from the text and to memorize the key facts.
Perception and processing of information
We learn to read texts and to separate the important moments.
Children never get bored at our centres: a fascinating plot, dynamic games, tasks and prizes await them in class.
Company textbooks and notebooks
All courses at SmartyKids use original learning materials created by us with care, love and attention to detail.
Competent and experienced teachers
All teachers at the SmartyKids education centres undergo training and certification. They know how to involve every child in class and find their way to them.
In the process of abacus classes activities, both hemispheres of the brain work simultaneously. Such activity stimulates harmonious intellectual development, improves memory, imagination and logical thinking.
Аbacus classes unfolds creative and analytical thinking, improves concentration, photographic memory, imagination, logical thinking, as well as observation and hearing skills. This isn’t just a mental calculation, because the ability to find answers to the most difficult tasks within seconds develops the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for imagination and figurative thinking.
Аbacus classes activities help the child to master the school subjects better. First, the abilities related to memory, imagination, and thinking develop. Second, it helps to better understand the exact sciences: mathematics, geometry. And third, when your child learns to calculate quickly – they will know that they can learn everything, as long as they put in the effort!
As the reading speed increases, the child improves their performance at school in various subjects. During the lessons we practice reading techniques, phonemic hearing and spelling alertness, as well as semantic reading and comprehension of a text. In addition, it becomes easier for the child to absorb, process and store any information. This contributes to improvement of results in all school subjects.
Lessons are usually organized in a group of 4 to 10 children. Each course follows a common storyline. The teacher is fully engaged and emotionally presents the course material. The exercises alternate with interactive activities. Mobile activities and logic games are included.
Working at home is one of the main factors with impact on the outcome of classes. We recommend you to make sure that your child spends 15-20 minutes a day doing homework, abacus calculation (new topics) and mental calculation (passed topics).
To effectively master the program, the child should exercise at home for 15 minutes every day. For convenience in preparing and checking homework, we have developed an online platform for students and teachers. Using the online platform increases the speed and efficiency of learning by 40%.
As a result of speed reading classes, children improve their performance and self-esteem, become more observant and more attentive. Our task is not only to increase the speed of reading, but also to cultivate interest in this activity
The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for the skills of calculation, speech and logic, and the right – for imagination and figurative thinking. A child whose cerebral hemispheres develop harmoniously can approach any task and problem from different angles, at an enviable speed.
of our methodology